My Heart’s Home, The Key to Community and Belonging

By: My Heart’s Home Board Member and Disability Advocate Aryanna Graf-Jones

My name is Aryanna Graf-Jones, and I’m a model and disability advocate with cerebral palsy (CP). As an entrepreneur, my mission is to inspire people with neurodivergence and to increase understanding and acceptance in both the entertainment and typical world. I’m excited to join the board of My Heart’s Home and support its mission to build community and independence for people with diverse needs. My lived experience with CP has taught me the importance of having a place where everyone feels valued, connected, and productive. By developing adaptive housing and community facilities, we will enhance independence and success in the disability community.

Growing up with CP, I often felt left out and misunderstood when I interacted with my able-bodied siblings and classmates. Although my mom was supportive of my efforts, my disability made me feel weak and useless during physical and lifestyle activities. I was so focused on comparing myself to the able-bodied children that I forgot to enjoy sports or appreciate my individuality. Feeling lost without a community of people that had similar experiences with disabilities, I felt my hope fading until I attended Hands to Love Camp, which is a camp specifically for disabled people. The camp supplied adaptations for activities and encouraged disability pride, and I was amazed how the community inspired me and made me feel valued and seen. Similarly, My Heart’s Home is dedicated to developing an atmosphere where disabled people can always find a home and place to connect and thrive.

I was initially introduced to My Heart’s Home through a fundraising dinner in 2023. Their vision of building an environment where disabled people can connect and thrive as individuals in a supportive community sparked my interest to join the organization. As My Heart’s Home’s founder explained the social and work amenities that were being developed, I knew that I wanted to be a part of this mission.

The plans for equine therapy and caring for horses especially piqued my interest because of my experience with hippotherapy. Horseback riding and hippotherapy have been major components in not only reducing my physical limitations, but also my mental limitations. Instead of seeing pity and judgment, horses’ eyes transported me into a world of peace and security. Security in that I was seen as myself, not simply a person with a disability. This visibility gave me confidence to trust these beautiful animals to comfort me when I struggled with my CP. Having a facility at My Heart’s Home where residents with disabilities can ride and care for horses will significantly benefit their physical and mental health.

I look forward to seeing how My Heart’s Home will continue to bring hope and support to people with diverse needs. The development of the housing and recreational facilities will give people a place where they feel valued and useful. In a world where we are often forgotten, the development of accessible amenities is the next step for the future of inclusion and equity in society. Join us on this journey and be one of the keys to My Heart’s Home.


Why My Heart’s Home


Where does this path lead?